Latest Update KVS Admission 2024-25 Guideline released: Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has released KVS Admission Guidelines 2024-25 on 1st April 2024. The KVS Admission 2024-25 Guideline is available on official website. Parents / Students can submit their online application form on 15th April 2024 at 5.00 PM. Registration for Class-II onwards (except Class XI) – Subject (in offline mode) to availability of vacancies in a particular class will be started from 1st Apriil and Last date is 10 April 2024.
Latest Update KVS Admission 2024-25 Registration & Submission Date Released: The date of Registration & Submission for KV Admission Class 1st has been released by KV Sangathan. Registration will start from 1st April 2024. Candidates can apply for their Application Form from the starting date.
शैक्षणिक सत्र 2024-2025 के लिए कक्षा 1 में प्रवेश के लिए पंजीकरण एवं ऑनलाइन आवेदन 01 Apr 2024 11:00 IST से शुरू होगा.
Latest Update Filling in KVS Admission Application Form and uploading documents
Latest Update of official website of KVS Admission 2024-25, For class 1st, online registration and submission of application form will be started on 1st April 2024. Generally, The KVS Admission Application Form 2024-25 is divided into 5 Parts, each parts are organized and presented under a separate tab. All these different parts/section/tab headings are given below:
- Basic information,
- Parents details,
- Choice of schools,
- Upload documents,
- Declaration and submit
KVS Admission 2024-25 online registration ~How to complete?
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to fill the KVS online application form for class 1 admission:
- Visit the official website of KVS, which is
- Click on the “Admissions” tab, which is located in the main menu.
- Click on the link that says “Online Admission Portal” to be directed to the online admission page.
- On the online admission page, select the “Class I” option from the list of available classes.
- Fill out the basic details in the registration form, such as your name, email address, and mobile number, and click on the “Register” button.
- Once registered, log in using your registered email address and password.
- Fill out the application form with the necessary information, such as the student’s personal details, parents’ details, and academic details.
- Upload a scanned copy of the student’s photograph and any necessary documents, such as a birth certificate and address proof.
- Review the application form to ensure that all the information provided is accurate.
- Click on the “Submit” button to complete the application process.
- Once the application submission is complete, download and print the KVS Admission application form for future reference.
- That’s it! Following these steps should help you successfully fill out the KVS online application form for the class 1 admission academic session.
Latest Update ~How many steps involved in successfully submitting an application form for KVS Admission in class 1 session 2023-24
The exact number of steps involved in successfully submitting an application form for KV (Kendriya Vidyalaya) admission in Class 1 is five which is given below.
- Obtain the application form: The first step is to obtain the application form, which can usually be downloaded from the KV school’s website or the official website of KVS (Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan).
- Fill in the application form: The application form must be filled in with the required information, including personal details of the child, parent/guardian details, and academic details of the child.
- Attach required documents: The application form must be accompanied by various documents, including the child’s birth certificate, proof of residence, and passport-sized photographs.
- Submit the Online Application Form: The completed application form and all required documents must be submitted online to the KVS within the designated deadline.
- Wait for selection: Once the application has been submitted, the school will go through the selection process and notify the parents/guardians of the child’s admission status.
Note: It’s important to note that the exact process and requirements may vary depending on the KVS Guideline 2024-25, so it’s always best to check the KVS Admission Guideline 2023-24 which will be available on the school’s website or KVS website.
KVS Online Admissions 2024-25: One can choose up to three Kendriya Vidyalayas through one Application Form.
Yes, that’s correct. According to the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan-KVS Admission Guidelines, a parent or guardian can choose up to three Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) in a single application form for admission to Class 1. The choice of KVs should be in the order of preference, with the first choice being the most preferred KV.
In case the first KV chosen by the parent or guardian does not grant admission to the child, the application will be considered for the second and then the third KV, if applicable, in the order of preference given in the application form. It’s important to note that the admission criteria and priorities for all KVs are the same, and the admission process is centrally administered by the KVS.
Required documents for KVS Admission Class 1 Online Registration Form
Here is a list of documents that are usually required for admission to Class 1 in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS):
- Proof of age: Birth certificate or any other relevant document that proves the date of birth of the child.
- Proof of residence: Residence proof of either parent, such as a ration card, electricity bill, or passport, among others.
- Proof of identity: Photo ID proof of either parent, such as a passport, PAN card, voter ID, or Aadhar card, among others.
- Proof of employment: Proof of employment of either parent, such as a transfer order, ID card, or appointment letter, among others.
- Transfer certificate: If the child is already studying in a school, a transfer certificate from the previous school will be required.
- Passport-sized photographs: Recent passport-sized photographs of both the child and either parent.
- Income certificate: An income certificate, if applicable, to avail of the fee concession.
KVS Online Admissions 2024-25: Must Read these Important Instructions
- According to Kendriya Vidyalaya’s admission criteria which are mentioned in KVS Online admission 2024-25, a child /wards must be 6 years old on March 31 the academic session in which admission is sought for Class
- According to the KVS Admission Guideline 2023-24, for Kendriya Vidyalaya admission class-1, children born on April 1 will also be considered for admission.
- Parents who work in private jobs, and others are all eligible for their children in Kendriya Vidyalaya
KVS Admission 2024-25 Guideline
KVS Admission 2024-25 Guideline, Notice and Schedule of Admission and Registration will released on the official website of KVS. KVS Admission Guideline 2024-25 is applicable for all Kendriya Vidyalayas except of located abroad and Dr. Rajendra Prasad Kendriya Vidyalaya, President Estate, New Delhi.
According to KVS Admission Guideline 2024-25, “In supersession of all the guidelines governing admissions in Kendriya Vidyalayas that have been issued in the past, the following guidelines are issued to regulate admissions in the Kendriya Vidyalayas with effect from the academic session 2024-25 & onwards”.
KVS Admission 2024-25 Guideline {Official}
KVS Admission Notice for Class 1 Session 2024-25
- Read the complete Instructions to fill the application form for Academic Year KVS Admission 2024-25
- The First Time Users need to Register first through Official Website i.e
- Sign-in to
- Fill the Admission Form and Upload the Document
- Double-check all the details before clicking on the submit button
- Take Printout of Submission

- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Is the Child Divyang
- Date of Birth
- Is the Child or Grandchild of a KVS Employee
- Email Address
- Mobile Number
- Enter the Captcha Code
- Enter OTP
- Login Code (Will be generated after Registration)
- Date of Birth
- Mobile Number
- Child’s first name:
- Child’s middle name:
- Child’s last name
- Date of birth of child
- Whether child/grandchild of KVS employees
- Differently abled
- Different Ability Type (only if the “Differently Abled” category is selected)
- Gender
- Whether applying to the Single Girl Child category
- Family income group
- Do not belong to low low-income group
- Economically Weaker Section (EWS)
- Below Poverty Line (BPL)
- Caste Category
- Blood Group
- Title
- Full Name
- Nationality
- Country of Residence
- State of Residence
- City of Residence
- Residential Address
- Pin code of Residence
- Telephone Number of Residence
- Personal Mobile Number
- Personal Email Address
- If the parent is working, then the following information may also be filled.
- Occupation: Enter Occupation
- Organization: Enter the name of the organization where you are working
- Choose State
- Select School in the Chosen State
- Vidyalaya Category will be shown
- Kendriya Vidyalayas under Civil SECTOR
- Kendriya Vidyalayas under Defence SECTOR
- Kendriya Vidyalayas under Project SECTOR
- Kendriya Vidyalayas under IHL( Institute of Higher Learning) SECTOR
- Region
- Sponsoring Agency
- Location Type
- Vidyalaya Location Map
- Distance of Vidyalaya from residence
- Less than or equal to 5 km
- More than 5 km
- For Vidyalaya in a rural region, the options are
- Less than or equal to 8 km
- More than 8 km
KVS Admission 2024-25 Reservation Policy: Know What are the quotas in Kendriya Vidyalaya
- Do you need help in filling service priority category
- Select Organization
- Select employment status
- Parent’s retirement date
- Grandparent Detail
- Full Name
- Nationality
- Date of Retirement
- Occupation
- Organization
- Personal Mobile No
- Personal Email Address
- Phone Number
KVS Admission 2024-25: Registration for Class 1 Start from 1st April 2024
KVS Admission 2024-25 | Know about New Age Criteria
Under NEP (National Education Policy) 2020, The minimum age for KVS admission in class 1 academic year 2024-25 should be between 6 to 8 years.
Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission 2024-25: Required Documents
Those parents /guardian wants to take admission to their child/children in Kendriya Vidyalaya std. 1st for academic session 2024-25. So they are advised to keep ready the below-mentioned essential certificates and documents to fill the KVS Online Admission Form. The following documents are required at the time of Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission:-
- Child/ Children Birth Certificate for Age proof.
- Passport size photograph of the child {Recently}.
- Candidate’s Residence Certificate for Proof of domicile.
- Caste certificate (SC/ ST/ EWS/ OBC/ BPL) released by Authorised Authority, if applicable.
- Certificate of central/state government employee.
- Relation certificate for Proof of relationship for Grandchildren of Members of Parliament {MP} and PSU employees.
- Relation certificate for Proof of relationship for Grandchildren of KVS employees.
- An affidavit in the case of Single Girl Child.
- Certificate of disability/ handicapped.
- Service Certificate showing the number of transfers during the preceding 7 years.
- Certificate of retirement for uniformed Defence employees (UDE).
KVS online Admission 2024-25 ~ Original copies of the supporting documents
After the issued the KVS Admission List 2024-25, you will be given provisional admission by a concerned Kendriya Vidyalaya, An Original copy of the supporting documents which is mentioned in the Application Form, will be mandatory for you to present in the concerned Kendriya Vidyalaya at the time of admission. If you do not present the original documents at the time of admission, then your KVS Admission 2024-25 will be cancelled.
Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission 2024-25 ~ Pro Forma Documents Samples
The following Documents are required at the time of Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission 2024-25 in class 1st on prescribed Pro Forma. Candidates can download Pro Forma Documents Samples through given below link. Documents will not be accepted in other formats/ Proforma. Documents submitted in favour of your admission will be accepted in this Pro Forma /Format only. Documents submitted in other Formats/ Pro Forma will be rejected.
Certificate Type | Download Sample Format |
Self Declaration Distance Between School And Residence | Click Here |
Service Certificate Central Government | Click Here |
Format Service Certificate State Government | Click Here |
Affidavit for Single Girl Child | Click Here |
Died In Harness Certificate | Click Here |
Transfer Certificate | Click Here |
KVS Online Admission 2024-25: What is the Single Girl Child Mean?
As per the KVS Admission Guideline, Single Girl Child means the only child i.e. only girl child to the parents, with no other siblings. For twins/triplets/… are treated as single girls. Therefore twins/triplets/… are eligible for admission in the Single Girl Child category. You must apply online application form separately for each sibling.
To ensure that the applications are considered together for admission in the Single Girl Child category, the individual applications must be linked using a Linking Code generated by the online admission portal. You can check the concern instructions for generating and using the Linking Code in point (xi) of Section (2.4.1) of instructions.
For the Single Girl Child category, you must submit the online Application Form and upload it along with the required documents like any other admission application. In this case, no need to contact the principal of concern Kendriya Vidyalaya.
If the number of applications is more than the allotted seat, a maximum of 2 admissions will be done in each section of class 1st and 02 per class in class VI and onwards, the admission should be granted based on the Priority Category.
KVS Admissions 2024-25 class 1 online registration Dates: KVS Admission Rule for twins girls?
The rules of Admission for twins in Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) academic session 2024-25, which are a group of central government schools in India, are determined by the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), the governing body for these schools. For twins/triplets/… who are eligible for admission in the Single Girl Child category as per KVS Admission 2024-25 Guidelines, you must register, fill in, and submit the online application form separately for each sibling. In the case of twin Girls, it will be treated as one admission. As per the admission guidelines of KVS, in the case of twins, both children are eligible for admission, subject to special provisions. It is advisable to check with the details KVS Admission Guideline 2024-25 for their admission policies and procedures.
Know about these important facts
Please read carefully KVS Admission Guideline 2024-25 to familiarize yourself with Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan {KVS} admission rules and regulations available at the official website @
KVS online Admission 2024-25~ Know Rules for double shift Kendriya Vidyalaya: Admission in two shifts Kendriya Vidyalayas in each shift will be considered as a separate Kendriya Vidyalayas.
KVS online Admission 2024-25~ strongly prohibited to submit multiple applications: All parents/ guardians and students are strongly advised not to submit more than one application form for the same child for admission to Class I in the same school. If multiple Application Forms are applied by parents for the same child in the same Kendriya Vidyalaya, only the last application Form will be accepted in the KVS admission process 2024-25.