KVS Admission Schedule and Guideline 2024-25 Release ~Check here KVS Notice (Official)

Latest Update: KVS Admission Guideline 2024- 25 & KVS Admission Registration & Submission Application Form Schedule and Date for all classes have released! Check Guideline and Important Date for KVS Admission Session 2024-25.

S.No Contents Scheduled Dates
1 Advertisement for admission 4th week of March 2024 (Latest by 31.03.2024)
2 KVS Admission 2024-25 Class-I Online Registration: 01.04.2024 (Monday) 10:00 AM onwards
3 Last date of Online Registration for Class-I 15.04.2024 (Monday) 05:00 PM

Latest Update KVS Admission Registration & Submission 2024-25 Date OUT: Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan- KVS has released online Registration Date & Submission Date for admission in all Kendriya Vidyalayas. Registration and submission of online applications for admission to Std 1 for the academic year 2024-2025 will start on 01 Apr 2024 10:00 IST. The Last Date of online kvs application form submission is 15th April 2024.

शैक्षणिक सत्र 2024-2025 के लिए देश के सभी केंद्रीय विद्यालयों में कक्षा 1 में प्रवेश के लिए पंजीकरण एवं ऑनलाइन आवेदन 01 Apr 2024 10:00 IST से शुरू हो गया है. सभी इच्छुक माता-पिता अपने बच्चों का रजिस्ट्रेशन उचित समय पर करा सकते हैं. कक्षा 1 के लिए रजिस्ट्रेशन की अंतिम तिथि 15 अप्रैल 2024 है.

Latest Update KVS Admission Schedule & Guideline 2024-25: Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has released KVS Admission Guideline 2024-25 and schedule on 1st April at its official website. All the information regarding KVS Admission Guideline 2024 & KVS Admission Notice 2024-25 are available on official website of KVS from 1st April 2024. The link of KVS Admission Schedule 2024-25 & Guideline are available here Also. You can check below in this article.

KVS Admission 2024-25 Priorities for Class 1: The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has set the following admission priorities for Class 1:

  1. Children of transferable and non-transferable central government employees and children of ex-servicemen.
  2. Children of KVS employees.
  3. Children of transferable state government employees.
  4. Children of non-transferable state government employees and children of state government employees who are on deputation to the central government.
  5. Children of employees of Autonomous Bodies / Public Sector Undertakings / Institute of Higher Learning of the Government of India.
  6. Children from any other category including the children of foreign nationals who are located in India due to their work or for any personal reasons.

Note: It’s important to note that these priorities are only applicable if there are more applicants than available seats. If the number of applicants is less than or equal to the number of available seats, then all applicants will be granted admission. Additionally, the KVS may reserve a certain percentage of seats for children from economically weaker sections and disadvantaged groups, as per government guidelines.

KVS Admission 2024 Online Registration Required Documents: KVS Admission 2024 class 1 Online Registration link to be active in the month of March 2024 any time. So in order to ensure smooth and quick filling of the application form online registration, please keep the following documents to ready:

  1. A valid email address and a valid mobile number with an Indian SIM card.
  2. Details of government certificate in case you are applying under the economically weak section.
  3. A digital photograph of the child seeking KVS admission 2024 class 1.
  4. A scan copy of the child’s birth certificate.
  5. Transfer details of parent/grandparent whose service credentials will be used in the application.

KVS Admission Schedule 2024-25 and Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Admission Guidelines 2024-25 ~ Latest Update ~ Click

Click Here <KVS Admission Notice 2024-2025>.

Mode of KVS Admissions 2024-25 class 1 to 12

KVS Admissions 2024-25 for class1st are being completed through online mode & for class 2 onwards will be done offline mode. For KVS Admission class 1 in all Kendriya Vidyalayas, offline lottery draw will be conduct by Committee.

Composition of Committee for Offline Draw of lots: The committee will be prepared by each Kendriya Vidyalaya for the purpose of monitoring a system of Draw of Lots to be held in Class-I or in another class. Draw of Lots will organized offline mode only for each class.

The committee will comprise the following five (05) members: –

  1. Principal: Convener
  2. Teacher:  Member (To be nominated by Principal)
  3. Two parents (One lady):  Members (One parent has to be from the candidates to be considered under section 12(1)(c) of RTE Act 2009)
  4. VMC member: Member(To be nominated by Chairman, VMC)

KVS Admission 2024: Related Important Link

KVS Admission 2024-25 Guideline {Official}

KVS Admission Notice 2024-2025- Balvatika

KVS Admission 2024-25 Revised Notice for Class 1 {Official}

KVS Admission Notice for Class 1 Session 2024-25

Kvs Admission Process Class 2: The admission process for Class 2 in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) schools usually involves the following steps:

Application: The first step is to fill out an application form, which is usually available on the official KVS website or can be obtained from the school.

Eligibility: The eligibility criteria for admission to Class 2 in KVS schools typically include factors such as age, previous academic performance, and residence.

Entrance Exam: KVS does not conduct an entrance exam to admission for class 2.

KVS Admission Schedule 2024-25, KVS Admission Guideline 2024-25

KVS Admission Registration Online Form 2024-25 | Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission 2024-25| KV Online admission for Class 1 | KVS Admission 2024-25 Guidelines | | Kendriya Vidyalaya Official Notification

KVS Admission 2024-25 Information: Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has released registration and online application form submission date for class 1st academic session 2024-25. As per official notice of KVS, the registration has started from 1st April 2024 & Last date is 15th April 2024 (Official) for admission in class 1st.

KVS (Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan) Notification has released on 1st April 2024 for Class 1 Academic Year 2024-25. Users will be able to find the KVS complete notification and guidelines on KV Official Website. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan release the KVS Class 1 Notification in March- April Month every year.

शैक्षणिक सत्र 2024-2025 के लिए कक्षा 1 में प्रवेश के लिए पंजीकरण एवं ऑनलाइन आवेदन 1st April 2024 से शुरू हो गया है. अभ्यर्थी अपने ऑनलाइन आवेदन निर्धारित अंतिम तारीख 15 अप्रैल 2024 तक भेज सकते हैं.

KVS Admission 2023-24

Now Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has issued KVS Admission Guideline 2024-25 in detail on 1st april 2024. But KVS Admission Guideline 2024-25 has released 1st April 2024 and online Registration have started on 1st April 2024 & last date is 15th April 2024. Online Registration & Submission will be completed on the official website of KVS i.e. https://kvsangathan.nic.in.Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission 2024-25 details can be obtained also through KVS Android Mobile App @ https://kvsonlineadmission.kvs.gov.in/apps/.

After the issue of KVS admission notice 2024-25 and KVS Admission Guideline 2024-25, all parents can apply online application form for their child/ children within scheduled dates through official website i.e. https://kvsonlineadmission.kvs.gov.in. KVS Admission Schedule 2024-25 | KVS Admission Notice 2024-25 | KVS Admission Guideline 2023-24 Check here after releasing by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan. I will provide here all the important facts for KVS Admission 2024-25. 

KVS Admission 2023-24 Schedule

KVS Admission 2024-25 | Admission Schedule for class 1st to 12th

Sr. Contents Contents
1 Advertisement for KVS Admission 2024-25 ~ Publication Date 1st April 2024
2 Online Registration for KVS Admission in Class-I 1st April 2024
3 KVS Admission 2024 Class-I Online Registration Last date 15th April 2024 (Monday) 05:00 PM

Declaration of Admission list & waitlist of registered candidates

Sr. Contents Contents
4 {i} KVS Admission 2024-25 1st List 1st Provisional List on 19.04.2024 Friday)
4 {ii} KVS Admission 2024-25 2nd List 2nd Provisional List on 29.04.2024 (Monday) (if seats remain vacant)
4 {iii} KVS Admission 2024-25 3rd List 3rd Provisional List on 08.05.2024 (Wednesday ) (if seats remain vacant)

KVS Admission 2024-25 | Declaration Date Admission List as per priority

Sr. No. Contents As per KVS Admission 2024-25 ~ Schedule Date
5 {i} Declaration of a provisional select list of candidates as per priority service category for unreserved seats, if any Display of list and Admissions 22.05.2024 (Wednesday) to 27.05.2024 (Monday)
5 {ii} Extended date for Second Notification for offline, if required and Registration Date Notification on 07.05.2024 (Tuesday)
Registration from 08.05.2024 (Wednesday) to 15.05.2024 (Wednesday)

KVS Admission 2024-25 | Registration in class II onwards

Sr. No. Contents As per KVS Admission 2024-25 ~ Schedule Date
6 Start date of Registration for Class II onwards 01.04.2024 (Monday) to 10.04.2024 (Wednesday)
7 Declaration of list of class II onwards 15.04.2024 (Monday)
8 Admission for class Il onwards 16.04.2024 (Tuesday) to 29.04.2024 (Monday)

KVS Admission 2024-25 | Registration in class XI

Sr. No. Contents As per KVS Admission 2024-25 ~ Schedule Date (Not Official)
9. Last date of admission for all classes except class XI. June (Expected)
10. For KV students: Registration for admission in class Xl. Within 10 days after the declaration of class X results
11. KV students: Display of admission list 86 admissions for Class-XI. Within 20 days after the declaration of class X results.
12. Non-KV students: Registration, display of admission list 86 admissions in class XI After the admissions of KV students in class XI.
13. Last date of admission for class – XI 30 days from the date of declaration of class-X results by CBSE

Revised KVS Admission Schedule 2024-2025~ Check here {Official}

KVS Admission 2023-24: Instructions to fill Application Form

Parents are advised to read all instructions given below, carefully.

Submit only one online application form to the same Vidyalaya for the same child.

In a double-shift Kendriya Vidyalaya, each shift will be treated as a separate Vidyalaya for admission purposes.

The following documents will be required for quick filling of the application form.

  1. A digital photograph of the child (JPEG file of size at most 256KB)
  2. A valid mobile number.
  3. Active email ID
  4. a scan copy of the child’s birth certificate (JPEG or PDF file of size at most 256KB),
  5. For EWS candidates {Income certificate}
  6. Transfer details of parent/grandparent {if applicable}

Click Here to Read Complete Instructions to Fill KV Application Form 2023-24

There are two steps in successfully submitting an application form.

  1. Registering on the portal
  2. Filling and submitting application

After above both steps have been completed, is the application process completed.

Who Can Apply for KVS Admission 2023?

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan have set the rules to give priority to central government employees, state government employee, Army & Ex-Army & Private employee kids.

  1. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has given the first preference to Central Government Employees Ward
  2. The Second preference is given to the Army and Ex-Army children
  3. The Third preference to be given to Government Employees
  4. The Single Child Quota comes as the fourth preference
  5. Fifth preference to be given to the private or self-employed personnel.

Note: As per the recent update NSG and Assam Rifles have been included on the ward of army and paramilitary forces.

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has also included the wards of Autonomous Bodies/PSUs/IHL for a recommendation from VMC

How the Priorities are given to the Central Government, State Government & Defense Personnel

  1. Transferable Central Government Employees and Ex-Serviceman would be given as first priority
  2. Non-Transferable Central Government Employees and Ex-Serviceman would be given as second priority
  3. PSU/ autonomous bodies/ Institute of Higher Learning of Government of India would be counted as the third most priority
  4. Transferable State Government Employees would be counted as fourth priority
  5. Non-Transferable State Government Employees would be counted as fifth priority

KVS Admission 2024-25: Application Form Online Registration

The following steps will be followed by candidates during apply online admission application process.

  1. First of all candidates should be Read the instructions
  2. Registration (sign-up) of first-time user
  3. Login (sign-in) to the admission application portal
  4. Filling in the admission application form and uploading documents
  5. Reviewing forms, checking declaration,s and submitting form
  6. Acknowledgment of submission

Candidates needs to register /sign in to the portal and to be filled the following information of the child.

Click Here for KVS Online Application Form Complete Information

Child Name: The first name of the child must be filled only contain letters from the English alphabet. After that fill the middle name and last name of the child in proper box in English letter. Parents are advised to enter the first, middle and last names of the child according to the birth certificate.

Is the child differently-abled: Please select Yes or No {whatever is applicable}

Date of birth of child: Please enter date of birth exactly as the birth certificate

{As per KVS Admission Guidelines 2024-25, the minimum and maximum age for admission to Std 1 is 6 years to 8 years as on 1 April, 2024. 2-year relaxation in upper age limit for  “Differently Abled” applicants}

Whether child or grandchild of KVS employee: Select an appropriate option from the drop-down menu or Not Applicable option {whatever is applicable}.

Email address: Fill the active e-mail ID

Mobile number: Please enter Mob. No. This is a mandatory field.

Type the Captcha Code shown above: You must enter the Captcha Code displayed in order to proceed. After that click on the Register button. You can Receive OTP.

Enter OTP:  Please enter OTP and click verify button.

After clicking on the Verify button, an acknowledgment page will appear with a unique Login Code. Please save the Login Code carefully for further use, and do not share it with others.

KVS Admission 2023-24~ KVS Syllabus

All Kendriya Vidyalayas are recognized by Central Board of Secondary Education {CBSE board} and school follow to textbooks prescribed by NCERT /SCERTs for all classes like std 1st to 12th. It is the responsibility of Principals/School Heads and teachers to carefully analyze syllabi and textbooks selected by the school.

Curriculum encompasses pedagogy, syllabi, textbooks, all educational activities, assessment and many other activities in which children participate for their holistic development.

Different books have been prescribed for different classes. Class wise book has been prepared and prescribed by NCERT for all the classes. This book has been prepared according to the syllabus decided by the CBSE board.

KVS Admission 2023-24~ KVS Fees

Check here class-wise per month KVS fee structure for each Kendriya Vidyalaya across India. Those students has taken admission in any Kendriya Vidyalaya in any class, will be paid fee according to given below table per month. KVS fee will be paid on the basis of quarterly. 

Sr. No. Event Rs.
1 Admission Fee 25.00
2 Re Admission Fee 100.00
3 Tuition Fee (per month)
3(a) Class IX & X (Boy) 200.00
3(b) Class XI & XII Commerce & Humanities (Boy) 300.00
3(c) Class XI & XII Science (Boy) 400.00
4 Computer Fund
4(a) Class III onwards 100.00
4(b) Computer Science Fee.(for elective subjects in class XI & XII) 150.00
5 Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi {VVN} from classes I – XII (per month) 500.00

Click Here to Get the Complete Details of KV Online Fee Payment

Exemption of Tuition fee, VVN and Computer Fund: There is also a provision of exemption in payment of fee to some children in Kendriya Vidyalaya. The Kendriya Vidyalaya fee can be submitted via online payment methods through UBI portal.

KVS Admission 2024-25~ Exemption of Tuition fee in KV

As per the guidelines of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), the following categories of students are exempted from the payment of tuition fees in Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs):

  1. Children of KVS employees: Children of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan employees are exempted from paying tuition fees in KVs.
  2. SC/ST students: Students belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) categories are exempted from paying tuition fees.
  3. Girls students: All girl students studying in KVs are exempted from paying tuition fees.
  4. Children of Armed Forces personnel: Children of armed forces personnel who died in harness or disabled during hostilities are exempted from paying tuition fees.
  5. Children of officers and men of the Armed Forces and Paramilitary Forces killed or disabled during hostilities: Children of officers and men of the Armed Forces and Paramilitary Forces who were killed or disabled during hostilities are also exempted from paying tuition fees.
  6. Children of parents living below the poverty line: Children of parents whose income is below the poverty line are exempted from paying tuition fees.

Important Note: It is important to note that while the tuition fee may be exempted for these categories, other fees such as admission fees, examination fees, and computer fees may still be applicable.

KVS Admission 2023-24~ KVS Sample Papers for Class 6

KVS Sample Papers for Class 6 are provided by concern Kendriya Vidyalaya which is prepared by subject-related teacher. KVS Sample Papers and KVS model papers of all subjects are prepared as per the syllabus prescribed by CBSE. Sample papers and model papers help the candidates in preparing for the annual examination. KVS Sample Papers for Class 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th are provided by school’s subject teacher during their period. 

KVS Admission 2023-24~ KVS Sample Papers for Class 12

KVS Sample Papers for Class 12 and Class X are released by CBSE Board before the annual examination for helping to students who are going to appear in board examination on the scheduled date. CBSE release Sample Papers and Model papers for all subjects Mainly English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Geography and History, etc.

All students should download the KVS Sample Papers and KVS Model Papers related to their subjects from the official website of CBSE and prepare for the examination accordingly. KVS sample Paper and KVS Model Paper are very useful for each student.

Click here for KVS Sample Papers CBSE Question Bank Class X

Click here for KVS Sample Papers CBSE Question Bank Class XII

Eligibility Criteria for KVS Admission

According to the KVS Admission 2024-25 guidelines issued by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, the age limit of the children has also been increased from the academic year 2022-23. Now it is mandatory for the child to be 6 years old for registration in class 1 by 31 March 2024. Please note that earlier the age limit for this was 5 years.

In the class 1st, admission will be held on a priority basis. For class 1st a Child must be completed 6 years old as of 31st March in the academic year in which admission is sought. Admission tests will not be conducted for Class I. In Other classes, students will be entertained subject to the availability of vacancies.

In class IX, the admission will be held by Entrance exam. There will be only one paper of Admission test of 3 Hours duration & 100 marks comprising Hindi, English, Maths, Social Science and Science each of 20 marks. The merit list will be prepared for each category of priority separately. Admission shall be granted in the order of merit.

If the average strength in class X/XII is below 40. This will further be subject to the following conditions:

(i) The child has been in the same course of studies i.e. in a CBSE-affiliated school.

 (ii) For Class X, the child must have obtained not less than 55% marks in aggregate in class IX.

(iii) For admission to class XII, 55% marks in class XI examination is mandatory.

KVS Reservation

Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, and Other Backward Classes Category:  15% seats for Scheduled Caste, 7.5% seats for Scheduled Tribes, and 27% seats for Other Backward Classes (OBC-NCL) shall be reserved in all fresh admissions in all Kendriya Vidyalayas. 

Differently abled Category: 3% seats of the total available seats for fresh admission will be horizontally reserved for Differently abled-children as per the provisions of the RTE Act, 2009

KVS Admission 2024-25:  Transfer Certificate including local transfer (TC).

  1. Children, whose parents have been transferred from one station to another, then admission will be automatically done on the basis of their transfer certificate {KV TC}, in despite of over and above Class Strength. When the class strength reaches 55, the efforts should be initiated to open additional sections.
  2. Defence personnel and Para-military Forces who shift their families to a station of their choice whenever they are transferred to some non-family areas or posted in Naxal affected areas, can admit their children on KV TC in a KV located at the station where they will keep their family.
  3. In cases where there is transfer of parents, the admission with KV TC would be done after written permission of Deputy Commissioner of the region concerned.
  4. All cases of local transfer on KV TC will be done with the approval of DC concerned on merit.
  5. A student with KV TC may also be permitted in project KVs only up to class strength of 45 with the prior concurrence of Chairman, VMC. Beyond this no admission on KV TC would be done in project schools. However, Deputy Commissioner of the region is empowered to allow admission in the project/nearest KV in extremely deserving cases.

How to fill Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission Form 2024 for class 2 onwards?

  • The process of filling out the KVS Admission Form for classes 2 and above is completely different from that of class 1st.
  • Where the Application Form for KVS Admission in class 1st is applied online, whereas in class 2 and above, the KVS Admission application form will filled offline.
  • For this, students and parents should go to the respective Kendriya Vidyalaya and take the KVS Admission application form.
  • After that read the KVS Admission application form carefully and fill all the columns as per the instructions which is given by the respective Kendriya Vidyalaya and attach the necessary documents in it.
  • Paste the latest photograph of the students in the KVS Admission Application Form as well.
  • Submit the Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission 2024 Form to the respective school office.

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Admission Notice 2024-2025.
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Admission Guidelines 2024-2025.
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Admission Schedule 2024-2025.

KVS Admission Notice 2024-2025- Balvatika