KVS Kendriya Vidyalaya Fee Payment 2024-25: Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has released starting date for registration and Submission of the Online Application Form for admission in std. 1and KVS Admission Guideline 2024-25 along with KVS Admission Balvatika-1 Notice for the academic session 2024-25 on 1st April 2024. The Registration and online application form has been started from 1st April 2024 (Official) and last date is 15th April for KVS Admission Class 1and Balvatika-1, 2,3. After admission, all the parents will have to deposit the KV fees of their children. Apart from this, those who have already taken admission, they also have to deposit the KV fees of their ward from time to time.
Kendriya Vidyalaya Fees | KV School Fee
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has a centralised system for the payment of KV School fees. This system is followed in all the KVS Schools across India. At present, 1254 Kendriya Vidyalays are running in all over India governed by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), New Delhi under Ministry of education.
As per official notice the KVS tuition fee is paid on the basis of quarterly. Meanwhile, the KVS fees are collected from the 1st to 15th of the month of January, April, July and October in each year. If the payment is made after the 15th day, late fees will be charged.
KVS Fee Structure for Academic Session 2024-25
You can paid kvs fee by online or offline both. All the parents have to pay the fee as per the following table. This fee structure are mentioned as per KVS Admission Guideline 2024.
Sr No. | Events | Rs. {INR} |
1 | Admission Fee | 25.00 |
2 | Re Admission Fee | 100.00 |
3 | Tuition Fee (per month) | |
3(a) | Class IX & X (Boy) | 200.00 |
3(b) | Class XI & XII Commerce & Humanities (Boy) | 300.00 |
3(c) | Class XI & XII Science (Boy) | 400.00 |
4 | Computer Fund | |
4(a) | Class III on wards | 100.00 |
4(b) | Computer Science Fee.(for elective subjects in class XI & XII) | 150.00 |
5 | Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi from classes I – XII (per month) | 500.00 |
Kendriya Vidyalayas {KVs} Fee Payment Date for academic session 2024-25
Kendriya Vidyalaya Tuition fee will be paid within 15 days in the month specified by KVS. If the students will paid fee after 15th days, Late fees will be charged by KVS. So students /parents should be paid kvs fee on schedule date and month. Check important dates for KVS fee online payment submission by given below table
Events (For Academic Session 2024-25) | Dates (Tentative) |
First Quarter Tuition Fees Payment 2024-25 | May 22 – June 21, 2024 |
Second Quarter Tuition Fees Payment 2024-25 | July 1 – 15, 2024 |
Third Quarter Tuition Fees Payment 2024-25 | October 1 – 15, 2024 |
Fourth Quarter Tuition Fees Payment 2024-25 | January 1 – 15, 2025 |
KVS Fees Exemption for Academic Session 2024-25
Category-wise exemption from the payment of Tuition fee, VVN, and Computer Fund
Categories | Tuition Fee | Computer Studies Fee | VVN Contribution |
Girls Students -Class 1st -12th | Exempted | Not Exempted | Not Exempted |
Boys and Girls Students of SC/ST categories | Exempted | Not Exempted | Not Exempted |
Children{Boys & Girls}of KVS employees | Exempted | Not Exempted | Not Exempted |
Children of officers and men of Armed Forces and Paramilitary personnel killed or disabled during the hostilities 1962, 1965, 1971and 1999 | Exempted | Not Exempted | Exempted |
Children of defence personnel of IPKF in Srilanka. | Exempted | Not Exempted | Exempted |
Personnel of armed forces killed or disabled in operation Meghdoot in Siachen area and Operation Vijaya in Kargil. | Exempted | Not Exempted | Exempted |
Below Poverty Line (BPL) card holder children (up to 2 children) | Exempted | Not Exempted | Exempted |
Disabled students | Exempted | Not Exempted | Exempted |
Students who need emergency assistance | Exemption of VVN for one academic session | ||
All Girls students of class 6th to 12th who happen to be the only child of their parents | Exempted | Exempted | Exempted |
Important Links for KVS Online Fee Payment: KVS Admission 2024-25
There are available here many link related online Fees for Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan. All parents can deposit online fee for their child through given below link.
Fees Payment through Union Fee Pay
Online Fees Collection: {https://www.unionbankofindia.co.in/english/personal-fees-kv.aspx}
Click here for Online fees Collection (Fee Payment)
Click Here for Generate Challan & Print Receipt
Click Here for Print Receipt
Note: This facility is available to all Internet banking users with transaction facility.
UBI Fee Collection 2024-25, KV Fee Payment
UBI Fee Collection refers to the process of collecting fees or payments from customers or clients using the Unified Payment Interface (UPI) platform. UPI is a digital payment system developed by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) that allows users to instantly transfer money between bank accounts using a mobile device.
The UBI Fee Collection system enables businesses, educational institutions, government organizations, and other entities to collect payments from their customers or clients using UPI. This system eliminates the need for cash transactions, cheques, or other traditional payment methods, making the process faster, more convenient, and more secure for both the payee and the payer.
To use the UBI Fee Collection system, a business or organization must first register with the UPI platform and obtain a Virtual Payment Address (VPA). Once registered, they can generate unique payment links or QR codes that customers can use to make payments using their UPI-enabled mobile apps. The UBI Fee Collection system then facilitates the transfer of funds from the payer’s bank account to the payee’s account in a matter of seconds, with minimal transaction fees.
KV FEE PAYMENT FOR Quarter-4 (Jan – Mar): FROM 05.02.2023 TO 27.03.2023 (EXISTING STUDENTS).
KV FEE PAYMENT FOR Quarter-4 (Jan – Mar): FROM 05.02.2023 TO 28.02.2023 (NEW ADMISSION).
KVS Kendriya Vidyalaya Fee Payment ~Helpdesk
Parents and children can contact for any kvs fee payment related queries by following sources.
KV Helpdesk:
Union Bank of India, Saket branch ,
A – 2/92 Saket, New Delhi – 110017
IP – 545802
Telephone : 011-29552032 / 33
Email: Please contact [email protected] for any fee payment related queries