KVS Admission 2023-24 Online Registration Start from 27th March: Keep Checking this page for NEW UPDATES

KVS Class 1 Admission 2024-25 1st List Direct Link: DOWNLOAD

By | March 1, 2024

Latest Update: KVS Admission List 2024 Class 1st will be released very soon. The First List of KVS Admission 2024 class 1 is to be available on the official website or Given Below Direct Link.

KVS Admission 2024 List Class First ~ Check Here

Latest Update: Those students who have been selected in the 2nd list and haven’t taken admission yet. Now they can take admission now i. e., 5th May 2023. Because KVS will release the Third List for class 1 admission. Earlier KVS Admission 2nd List 2023-24 class 1st has out on these Kendriya Vidyalayas. All Parents has checked and download KVS Admission 2nd List 2023-24 from official website of concern Kendriya Vidaylayas. Mostly students who has selected in the second List has taken admission on scheduled date. Admission schedule for class 1st are available on official website of KVS. Those parents who wants to check KVS Admission List 2023 they can check by registration number on official link. You can also check given below Direct Link OR official website of concern Kendriya Vidyalaya.

केंद्रीय विद्यालय संगठन ने कक्षा 1 में प्रवेश के लिए दूसरी लिस्ट 28 अप्रैल को जारी कर दी गई है. तीसरी और फाइनल लिस्ट 6 मई को जारी की जायेगी. इन बच्चों का नाम एडमिशन लिस्ट में दर्ज है वे अंतिम तिथि से पहले सभी दस्तावेजों के साथ संबंधित विद्यालय में दाखिला करा लें. अंतिम तिथि के बाद किसी भी एडमिशन पर विचार नहीं किया जाएगा.

Latest Update KVS Admission 2023 List: The list of admission in Kendriya Vidyalayas in Class 1st will be start from 21st April 2023 for academic session 2023-24. KVS Admission List Provisional class 1st will be released on tomorrow i.e. 20th April 2023. All students can check KVS Admission List 2023-24 by their registration Number / Application Number.

Latest Update KVS Admission 2023 List Announce~ check here Lottery Date : As per latest Notification issued by KVS, The date of Lottery for online admission of class 1st for academic year 2023-24 has announced. Now KVS Admission 2023-24 Lottery Date are available on official website of KVS. As per Notice, KVS Admission 1st List {Provisional} 2023-24 will be out on 20 April 2023 Thursday at respected Kendriya Vidyalaya’s website. For Admission in class 1st, KV Admission 2nd List and 3rd List to be published on 28th April 2023 and 4th April 2023 respectively. All Parents /Guardian can check KVS Admission List 1st, 2nd and 3rd by scheduled date.

केंद्रीय विद्यालयों में कक्षा एक में एडमिशन के लिए लाटरी की तिथि जारी कर दी गई है. कक्षा 1 में एडमिशन के लिए लाटरी 20 अप्रैल 2023 दिन बृहस्पतिवार को आयोजित की जायेगी. इसके तुरंत बाद उसी दिन पहली एडमिशन लिस्ट विद्यालयों की ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर पब्लिश कर दी जायेगी. अभिभावक यहां से पहली एडमिशन लिस्ट चेक कर सकेंगे.

Latest Update KVS Admission 2023 List date : The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan -KVS has announced the schedule of KVS Admission class 1st Provisional List 2023. The First Provisional list for admission in class 1 in Kendriya Vidyalayas are scheduled tomorrow i.e. April 20,2023. The KVS Admission Guideline 2023 Notification issued by KVS states that ” the lottery for online admission of class -1st for academic session 2023-24 are scheduled on 20th April 2023. All parents /guardian can check official notice by given below direct link.

KVS Admission List 2023-24 Provisional: Parents and candidate can check here KVS Admission Merit list Provisional, Kendriya Vidyalaya 1st, 2nd and 3rd Selection List class 1, KV Admission Waiting List and KVS Admission result class 2 to 9. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) to be released schedule for KVS Admission 1st, 2nd and 3rd Merit list / Selection List Provisional for admission in Kendriya Vidyalaya class 1 for academic year 2023-24 in April 2023.

Instruction to Fill KVS Online Application Form | How to Apply for KVS Admission 2023-24

The schedule for KVS Admission Result and admission List for Class II onwards has released on 17 April 2023. As per KVS Admission Schedule 2023-24, KVS Admission first provisional list for admission in class 1st will release 20th April 2023 {Official}. The second and third provisional lists of admission in Kendriya Vidyalaya class 1are scheduled to be released on 28 April 2023 and 4th May 2023 respectively {Official}.

KVS Admission 2023-24: Registration for Class 1 Start from 27th March 2023

According to the KVS Admission 2023-24 schedule the First Provisional List for admission in class 1st will release on 20th April 2023. While 2nd & 3rd provisional lists of KVS Admission 2023-24 are scheduled to be released on 28.04.2023 and 04.05.2023 respectively.

KVS Admission List 2023-24 ~Dates

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has released schedule for KVS Admission 2023-24 on 25th March 2023 at its official site. As per KVS Admission List 2023-24 Schedule, provisional admission fist list will be published on 20th April 2023 Thursday. You can check all dates related KVS Admission 2023-24 by given below table.

KVS Admission 2023-2024 Online Registration Important Dates: Download Class 1 Admission Schedule PDF

Sr. Contents Scheduled date
1 Advertisement for KVS Admission 2023-24 ~ publication Date 25th March 2023
2 Online Registration for KVS Admission in Class-I 27th March 2023 at 10:00 AM onwards
3 KVS Admission 2022 Class-I Online Registration Last date 17 April 2023, 7:00 PM

Declaration of Admission list & waitlist of registered candidates

Sr. Contents Scheduled date
4 {i} KVS Admission 2023-24 1st List 20 April 2023
4 {ii} KVS Admission 2023-24 2nd List 28 April 2023
4 {iii} KVS Admission 2023-24 3rd List 4 May 2023

KVS Admission 2023-24 | Admission Schedule for class 1st to 12th

KVS Admission Result 2023 Class 1-12: KVS Admission result merit List 2023-24 for Class II has released on 17th April 2023 Monday. Parents and students can download & visit Kendriya Vidyalaya KVS Admission 1st, 2nd and 3rd list 2023-24 on the official website of concern KVS Kendriya Vidyalaya. KVS Admission Selection List Schedule related information is available at kvsonlineadmission.kvs.gov.in or kvsangathan.nic.in.

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Class 1 Admission Notice released for KVS Admission 2023-2024

KVS Admission 2023-24 | Declaration Date Admission List as per priority

Sr. No. Contents As per KVS Admission 2023-24 ~ Schedule Date
5 {i} Declaration of provisional select list of candidates as per priority service category for unreserved seats, if any 1st list on 20.04.2023 (Thursday)
 (Admission will be from 21.04.2023 onwards)
2nd list on 28.04.2023 (Friday) (if seats remain vacant)
3rd list on 04.05.2023 (Thursday) (if seats remain vacant)
5 {ii} Extended date for Second Notification for off line registrations for admissions to be made under RTE Provisions, SC, ST and OBC (NCL) if sufficient applications were not received in online mode. Notification on 03.05.2023 (Wednesday)
Registration from 04.05.2023 (Thursday) to 11.05.2023 (Thursday)
Display of list and Admissions 18.05.2023 (Thursday) to 25.05.2023 (Thursday)

KVS Admission Provisional Merit List 2023 Class 1 to12

Concern Kendriya Vidyalaya will publish the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd provisionally selection list, Merit List, and the waiting list category wise KVS Admission List 2023-24 for Class 1st to onwards. All KVS Admission List {Provisionally} of all classes as 1st to 12th  will be available on concern KVs.

Given below details of related students are mentioned in Kendriya Vidyalaya KVS Class 1st Admission List 2023-24 / KVS Admission Result 2023-24.

  • Name of the students
  • Students’ Date of Birth
  • Category of students
  • Students Marks of Kendriya Vidyalaya Entrance Admission test {For class 9th Admission only}
  • Selection status

KVS Admission 2023-24 ~Reservation Policy

KV Admission 1st Provisional List 2023-24 class 1~ Date of Issuance

For class 1st, Kendriya Vidyalaya KVS Provisional Admission1st List of selected students for class 1will be published/ uploaded on all KVs official websites after the closing of the process of online registration and submission of application form. This provisional list for admission in Kendriya Vidyalaya Class-I will contain the names of eligible students of different categories. First List of Provisional Admission in Class- I in all KVs/KVS Admission Result 2023-24 will be declared and uploaded on 20 April 2023 on concern Kendriya Vidyalaya.

KVs Admission 2nd List {Provisional} 2023-24 Class 1st

If seats remain vacant after admission from 1st KVS admission List, then the second List of Provisional Admission in Class- I in Kendriya Vidyalaya  will be uploaded on all Kendriya Vidyalaya’s official websites. KVS Admission Result 2023-24/ 2nd list of provisional KVS admission for class 1 will be declared on 28 April 2023 and admission will be start from same day.

3rd KVS Admission List 2023-24 for Class 1st

After the 2nd round KVs admission process if seats remain vacant, then 3rd List of Provisional Admission in Kendriya Vidyalaya std-1 will be released on 04 May 2023. 3rd KVS Admission List 2023-24/ KVS Admission Result 2023 will be available in PDF File on concern KVs official website.

KVS 1st class Admission List 2023-24, Result: How to download and check?

Parents can check KVS Class 1st Admission List, Result 2023-24 online follows to below mentioned steps:-

Step 1 – Parents / Guardian Visit the official website of concern Kendriya Vidyalaya {KVs}.

Step 2 – On the right side of the homepage, click on “ANNOUNCEMENTS – VIEW ALL”

Step 3 – Now, New window will open.

Step 4 – In this page, pleas search category wise List of Provisional Admission in Class- I. 

Step 5 – Click on “List of Provisional Admission in Class- I- download”

Step 6 – The KVS Class 1st Admission List 2023-24, Result will be displayed on the screen.

Step 7 – Check name of students and name of parents and registration Number.

Step 8 – Take a Print the KVS Admission List Class I, Result for future use.   

KVS Provisional Admission Merit List Result 2023-24 for class 2 to 12

The KVS admission process will be done in Kendriya Vidyalaya in class 2 to 12 if seats remain vacant. The Kendriya Vidyalaya KVS Admission Result 2023-24 and Merit List for provisionally selected students of class 2nd onwards will be published on concern Kendriya Vidyalaya’s official websites after the closing of the registration process.

Process of registration for KVS Admission class 2 onwards session 2023-24 will be completed through offline only. Schedule of KVS Admission 2023-24 for class 2 to onwards is given below in the table. Students can check kvs admission related dates.  

As per KVS Admission 2023-24 schedule, offline registration for admission in class 2nd onwards to be started from 3 April 2023 and end will be on 12 April 2023.

In KVS Admission 2023-24 lists will contain the name of the eligible students for admissions of different categories. KVS Admission Result 2023-24/ List of selection candidates for KVS Admission in class 2nd onwards has declared on the 17th April 2023.

Table of KVS Admission Schedule for class 2nd onwards

KVS Admission 2023-24 | Registration in class II onwards

Sr. No. Contents As per KVS Admission 2023-24 ~ Schedule Date
6 Start date of Registration for Class-II onwards 03.04.2023 (Monday) to 12.04.2023 (Wednesday)
7 Declaration of list of class II onwards 17.04.2023 (Monday)
8 Admission for class Il onwards 18.04.2023 (Tuesday) to 29.04.2023 (Saturday)

KVS Admission 2022-23 | Registration in class XI

Sr. No. Contents As per KVS Admission 2023-24 ~ Schedule Date
9. Last date of admission for all classes except class XI. 30.06.2023 (Friday)
10. For KV students: Registration for admission in class Xl. Within 10 days after declaration of class X results
11. KV students: Display of admission list 86 admissions for Class-XI. Within 20 days after declaration of class X results.
12. Non-KV students: Registration, display of admission list 86 admissions in class XI After the admissions of KV students in class XI.
13. Last date of admission for class – XI 30 days from the date of declaration of class-X results by CBSE

KVS Admission 2023-24 for class XI~ Important Note

The registration process for KVS Admission in class 11th session 2023-24 will be stared immediately of the declaration of the class X result and will be closing within 10 days of class 10th result declaration. Registration process for KVS Admission class XI to be completed through offline mode only.

Kendriya Vidyalaya KVS Admission Merit List and Result 2023-24 for admission in class XI will be release within 20 days after the declaration of class X results by CBSE {Central Board of Secondary Education}.

KVS Admission List 2023 Result: How to Check & Download PDF of Class 2 to 12?

Candidates can check KVS Admission Result 2023-24/ Final Merit List/ Selection List/ Waiting list for class II-XII by using to step by step.

Step 1 – Parents/Students go to KVS official website i.e. kvsangathan.nic.in

Step 2 – Click on the “About KVS” >>> “Directories” >>>Directory of KVs

Step 3 – On clicking Directory of KVs a new window will open on your screen.

Step 4- Now, KVS school list will be displayed on the screen.

Step 5- Enter respective school name and click search button.

Step 6- Now display respective school and official link of school along with information.

Step 7 – Click on related KVS school website.

Step 8 – Click on the latest “Announcements” tab, and search KVS admission list for class II-XII {related class}.

Step 9 – Now, Download the related KVS Admission list / KVS Admission Result in PDF format and check.

Important Note: If seats remain vacant in class XI even after admitting students of KVs/Neighbouring KVs, then non-KV students can be admitted. The admission will be given on the same criteria in the order of categories of priority.

KVS Admission Final List 2023-24 ~ Rule for Vacant Seats: If seats remain vacant in all Kendriya Vidyalayas even after the completion of 1st, 2nd and 3rd round Admission process then the final selection merit list for admission in Kendriya Vidyalayas will be released by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS). This KVS Admission Final Merit list will be available on the official website of KVS. Interested Parents / Guardian can check this KVS Admission List 2023.

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